The Simple and Complex Sentence

hallo good people, jumpa lagi dengan Radylan... kali ini kita akan belajar about The simple and complex sentence.. okey cuss.. let's learn !!

What is Sentence ???
The sentence is a group of words that you use to communicative your ideas in writing or in speech.
A sentence is a group of words expressing a complete tought. 
A sentence consist of two main parts.
Subject => A sentence <= Predicate

The Simple Sentence
Verb with and without object
Definition of Simple Sentence 
A simple sentence is a complete which contains a subject and a verb followed by other words which make up the meaning. 
example : 
- My uncle sit down
- The baby cries
A simple sentence can also be referred to as an independent clause. It is referred to as "independent" because, while it might be part of a compound or complex sentence, it can also stand by itself as a complete sentence.

A Complete Sentence
A complete sentence has a subject and verb and relate a complete of thought.
These are formed from one independent clause and at least one subordinate clause. The means that the clauses in a complex sentence are not structurally equal. The clauses related thoughts, but one clause acts as the foundation of the sentence.
Example :
Complex sentence => My mom smiled when i made dinner
  Independent clause => My mom smiled 
  Subordinating clause => when i made dinner
  Subordinating conjunction => when

All simple sentence must contain at least one subject and one predicate, or verb. However, sometimes, the subject, the predicate, or both may be compound. 
Complex sentence to express complex ideas by : 
- showing how ideas and/or events are related to each other
- providing  extra information about certain words or phrases

Simple sentence :
My friend invited me to a party. I dont want to go
Compound sentence :
My friend invited me to a party, but i dont want to go
Complex sentence :
although my friend invited me to a party, i dont want to go

okay, i think enough this material... see you next blog guys 😚


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