Adverbial phrase, Adjective phrase, and Prepotional

Hello guys, come back with Radylan blog yes 😄
Today,  i will tell you the material about is Adverbial phrase,  adjective phrase and prepotional..  What is that??  

Adjective Phrase
Adverb phrase is a group of words that serves the same purpose as an adverb. Adverb phrase can modify an adjective or another adverb. 
E.g : Dhea is very cute. 

Adjective Phrase
Adjective phrase consist of adjectives together with elements which complement or modify them in different ways. 
The function of adjective phrase :
Adjective phrases have two primary functions. 
- First,  they can be used to modify nouns inside noun phrases.
- Second,  as predicatives in clause structure,  following verb like be,  become,  seem,  etc. 
Adjective phrase with verbs
The second main function of an adjective phrase is to be an complement to a verb. It completes the meaning of verbs that describe what the subject is,  does or experiences. 
- object complements
We also use adjective phrases to give more information about an object so as to complete its meaning : 
 - sitting in traffic drive me crazy. 
Prepotional Phrase
Prepotional phrase are group of words containing preporsitions. Remember that preporsition are words that indicate the relationships between various elements within a sentences,  and you'll never have difficulty identifiying preporsitional phrase. 
 E.g : - we climb up  the hill
         - zayn's book on the table
List of preporsitional
(down, up, arround, into, with, within, true, inspite of, instead of, on, to, in, out) 

Okay guys,  let's see example sentence with the Tree diagram.. 

Note :
- S : Sentence
- NP : Noun Phrase
- VP : Verb Phrase
- N : Noun
- V : Verb
- Det : Determiner
- Pron : Pronoun
- Prep : Preposition
- PP : Prepotional Phrase
- Adv.P : Adverb Phrase
- Adj.P : Adjective Phrase

Okay,  i hope thats material usefull for you guys..  Thanks you and see you next time in Radylan blog 😉


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