Noun Phrase and Verb Phrase

hallo hai hallo guys, come back with me Radylan blog...😊 i'm sorry guys, karena Radylan lama ngga ngblog, kirim materi dan belajar bareng.. Nah, dimateri yang lalu kita bahas about phrase kan ya guys, dan kali ini kita akan lanjut juga tentang phrase yaitu about Noun Phrase and Verb Phrase.. okey, let's study guys... 

Definition of Noun Phrase 
Noun Phrase is a group of related words that can act as a single noun like within unity in a sentence. Noun Phrase start with determiners which are placed at the beginning of noun phrase. It's divided into 2 part; basic and complex noun phrase. 
Definition of Verb Phrase
Verb Phrase are verbs that are made up of more than one word. Verb Phrases consist of main verb alone, or a main verb plus any modal or auxiliary verb (helping verb). Those helping verbs are ; could, would, should, can, will, shall, may, might, must, did, do, does, and forms of "to be" (was, were, am, is, have been, has been, will be, will have been, being).

1. Beginner/Basic
  a. Main Verb
   - We are here
   - I like it
   - We laughed
  b. The auxiliary verb be and a main verb in the - ing form 
    - everbody is watching
    - we are celebrating santri's day 
  c. The auxiliary verb have and a main verb in the past participle form
     - i had finished my work
     - everybody has prepared well
  d. A modal verb (can, could, may, should, will, shall, must) and a main verb
     - they will come 
     - i can get it

2. Intermediate 
  1). The auxiliary verb have and a main verb in the -ing, form :
      - Everybody has been working hard 
      - He had been singing 
     (A verb phrase with have, been and the -ing form expresses both perfect aspect and                   continuous  aspect. A verb with have/has expresses present perfect continuous and a               verb with had expresses past perfect continuous)
  2). A modal verb and the auxiliaries be, have and have been :
     - they will be listening
     - he might have arrived
  3). The auxiliary verb be and a main verb in the past participle form : 
     - English is spoken all over the world.
     - They might have invited to the party
     (A verb phrase with be and the past participle expresses pasive voice)

Okay guys, this material about phrase. See you the next material yess 💛


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