Word Formation Processes

Hello guys..
Did you know, what is that Word Formation ??
Word formation is the process or result of forming new words, which derived from words or group of words with same root. Word formation process is also called an etymology, that is the study of study of the origin of the word. It deals with the ways in which word can enter a language.
Type of Word Formation :

    => Words derived from the initials of several words. They are pronounced as new single words.
        Examples :
    Words derived from the initials of several words.
    Example :
        - UNICEF (United Nations International Scientific and Cultural Organization).
        - NATO (North Atlantic Treaty Organization).
    Pronounce as a word, contain non initial latters. 
        - Radar (radio detection and ranging)
        - Scuba (self-contained underwater breathing apparatus)
    Psedo-acronyms are used when pronounce as intented 
        - LOL (Laughing out load)
        - LMAO (Laughing my ass off)    
    => Clipping is shorthening a word by deleting one or more syllable. (singkatan)
- Back clipping = shorthening the back part of the word.
  e.g : advertisement (ad), professor (prof)
 Fore clipping = retains the final parts
  e.g : cellphone (phone), alligator (gator)
-   Middle clipping = shorthening the middle part of the word.
  e.g : influenza (flu), detective (tec)
3    3. BLENDING
          => Blending is the combination of the first or complete part of one word and second part of                     another.
e        E.g : celebgram (celebrity&instagram), splog (spam&blog).
          => Is the modification of a word to express to different grammatical categories..
- Grammar mood : perubahan grammatical dari pronoun part. E.g : he brings.
- Grammar voice : perubahan dari singular ke plural. E.g : book-books
       5. COINAGE 
          => In this process, a complete new word is added (merek).
         E.g : honda, aqua, googling, etc. 
        => Back formation refers to the process of creating a new lexeme.
        E.g : child, children.
        => When two words or at least two root morphems are joined together (gabungan 2 kata).
        E.g : skyblue is a kind of blue. 
         => Is the formation of a new word by doubling a word. 
         - Either with change of initial consonants (teenie-weenie, walkie-talkie)
         - with change of vowel (chit-chat, zig-zag)
         - without change (night-night, so-so and win-win).
        => In derivation a new word is formed by adding an affix to the root or stem. 
       examples :
- happi-
ness and un-happy from happy
       - Derivation also means the process of forming a new words by means of Affixation (Prefix, Infix and Suffix).
       - derivational suffix usually applies to words of one syntactic category and changes them into words of another syntactic categoryFor example: the English derivational suffix-ly changes
       -  adjectives into adverbs (slow = slowly).

        => Taking over of words from another language (kata serapan dari bahasa lain).
        E.g : piano (Italian), Sofa (Arabic), etc. 


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