Adjective & Determiner

Assalamualaikum... berjumpa lagi dengan saya guys... kali ini kita akan membahas apa itu Adjective and Determiner.. let's study guys πŸ˜‰
Definition of Adjective
An adjective modifies a noun or a pronoun. To modify means “to describe” or “to make more definite”
Example of adjective :
Big, small, beautiful, expensive, cheap, quick, green, loud, fat, thin, etc.
Example in sentence :
-          She has big blue eyes.
-          He has new girlfriend
-          The old lady was talking in a quiet voice.
Types of Adjective
1.      Opinion
Nice, pretty, diligent, stupid, expencive, etc.
e.g : A handsome boy
2.      Size
Large, small, slim, little, fat, thin, etc.
e.g : My sister is skinny
3.      Age
Young, old, new, antique, ancient, etc.
e.g : An new car
4.      Shape
Round, square, straight, triangle, flat, etc.
E.g : she has straight hair
5.      Color
Blue, black, pink, white, red, yellow, green, etc
e.g : I have red car
6.      Origin
Indonesian, Italian, Western, British, etc.
e.g : An Italian pizza
7.      Material
Metal, wooden, plastic, golden, etc.
e.g : A golden ring

Definition of determiner 
Determiner are words that are used before nouns to show which person or thing you are talking about. Determiners come before a noun to show which person or thing the noun refers to.

1.      Articles is the main group of determiners, with the words “a/an” and “the” which are used before a noun.
          a. Definite articles are those that point a particular person or thing. It can be used in front of singular as well as plural countable and uncountable noun.
Example : He saw the movie.
           b. Indefinite articles are those  articles that leave a person or thing undertermined or confused.
Example : He is a teacher
2.      Demonstrative adjectives
These adjectives indicate the noun that is being referred to. (This, These, That, Those)
3.      Difference words
Difference words are used when you want to refer to something different, additional, or remaining.
-          Other (used with singular or plural nouns)
-          Another (used with singular nouns)
4.      Distributives
Distrbutives are used to refer to how people ot things are divided or shared within a group (each, every, either, neither)
5.      Numbers (cardinal and ordinal)
Numbers are used to tell an exact amount (one, two, three) or a certain order (first, second, third).
6.      Possessive Pronouns
These pronouns are used to show posession or belonging. (My, your, her, his, their, our..’s)
7.      Quantifiers
Quantifiers tell us the number of each noun. They tell us “how much” or “how many”
These are just a few of the quantifiers that can be used as determiners.
(a little, a few, a lot of, all, any, both, enough, many, much, some, most.
8.    Question or defining words 
      Question words ask which thing or persons is being referred to by speaker. Defining words explain which thing or person is being referred to. (What, which, whose)
Det       Op     Si   Sha  Ag  Co  Ori   Ma

(Determiner)  (Opinion)  (Size)   (Shape)   (Age)  (Color) (Origin)  (Material)

Example :
1. Seorang pria besar yang sopan
=> A Polite big man
    (Determiner-size- purpose/function of word)
2. Bola bulat berwarna merah 
=> The round red ball

Okay, that is explanation about adjective and determiner..
thanks for read guys πŸ‘


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