Compound Sentence&Compound Complex Sentence

Assalamu'alaikum.. Hai hello everybody.. come back with Radylan.. Maybe this last material about Syntax.. but, sloww guys, suatu saat kita akan jumpa lagi in Radylan blog 😉, Okey kali ini kita belajar apa ya, masih tentang sentence nih, yaitu "compound & compound complex sentence" guys.. cukup sulit tapi tenang kalian pasti bisa kok.. lets slowly and lets learn together guys !! 😊 Compound Sentence => It contains two or more independent clauses and no subordinate clauses. Compound Sentence : (Independent Clause+Coordinating Conjunction+Independent Clause) Independent clause maybe joined by a comma and coordinating conjunction, by correlative conjunction, by a semicolon (;) , by conjunctive adverb or by transitional expression. Coordinative conjunction These conjunction join equal sentence parts. (FANBOYS) - For (reason) - And (argumentation) - Nor (contrast) - But (contrast) - Or (contrast) - Yet (contrast) - So (reason) Example : - She...