Adverbial phrase, Adjective phrase, and Prepotional

Assalamualaikum.. Hello guys, come back with Radylan blog yes 😄 Today, i will tell you the material about is Adverbial phrase, adjective phrase and prepotional.. What is that?? Adjective Phrase Adverb phrase is a group of words that serves the same purpose as an adverb. Adverb phrase can modify an adjective or another adverb. E.g : Dhea is very cute. Adjective Phrase Adjective phrase consist of adjectives together with elements which complement or modify them in different ways. The function of adjective phrase : Adjective phrases have two primary functions. - First, they can be used to modify nouns inside noun phrases. - Second, as predicatives in clause structure, following verb like be, become, seem, etc. Adjective phrase with verbs The second main function of an adjective phrase is to be an complement to a verb. It completes the meaning of verbs that describe what t...